In my review of a wonderful, wonderful new book out by Greg Willits of, I mentioned that I planned to begin a personal challenge to work on my own evangelization skills over the next 52 weeks using the ideas suggested in his book, "The New Evangelization and You: Be Not Afraid
Today begins the challenge with week #1 and a simple task of identifying the sixteen documents of Vatican II. I already have the list printed and many of the documents printed and placed in a binder because I read much of the material during Lent.
The best places to find the sixteen documents are at the Vatican website or EWTN. Here is a list of the Documents:
1. Sacrosanctum concilium, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963.
2. Inter Mirifica, Decree On the Means of Social Communication, 1963.
3. Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution On the Church, 1964.
4. Orientalium Ecclesiarum, Decree On the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite,1964.
5. Unitatis Redintegratio, Decree on Ecumenism, 1964.
6. Christus Dominus, Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops In the Church,
7. Perfectae Caritatis, Decree On Renewal of Religious Life, 1965.
8. Optatam Totius, Decree On Priestly Training, 1965.
9. Gravissimum Educationis, Declaration On Christian Education, 1965.
10. Nostra Aetate, Declaration On the Relation Of the Church to Non-Christian
Religions, 1965.
11. Dei Verbum, Dogmatic Constitution On Divine Revelation, 1965.
12. Apostolicam Actuositatem, Decree On the Apostolate of the Laity, 1965.
13. Dignitatis Humanae, Declaration On Religious Freedom, 1965.
14. Ad Gentes, Decree On the Mission Activity of the Church, 1965.
15. Presbyterorum Ordinis, Decree On the Ministry and Life of Priests, 1965.
16. Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution On the Church In the Modern World,1965.
I suggest that anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith choose at least one of these documents that looks interesting and print it out. Read over it and think about what the Council had in mind when writing the document and think about how it applies to the world today. This would be a great step towards a better understanding of the true teachings of the Church.
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