Sunday, April 21, 2013

Book Review: Lenten Reflections

I know I am super late posting this review considering that Lent has passed but I have had some personal issues and am running a little behind in my posting. Also, I had planned to try using this book as my Lenten devotional this year so that I could give the review from the perspective of someone who was attempting to actually put it into practice.

I must begin by admitting that I am a die-hard Scot Hahn fan. Before I entered into the fullness of the Catholic Church, I began attending a Bible study in our parish after Mass on Sundays and we studied “The Lamb’s Supper”. I was not only new to the Catholic faith but new to religion in general so it was a really deep study for me but totally eye opening and has made me a fan of Dr. Hahn’s work. I have never read A Father Who Keeps His Promises so I thought this book would be a great choice in that it would serve as my Lenten devotional and also give me a taste of a Dr. Hahn book I haven’t read.

The book begins with an Ash Wednesday reflection- there are no dates so this book can be used during any liturgical cycle- and it begins with an overview of God’s Master Plan. This is followed by the Creation story, moving all the way through the Bible to Easter Week covering the covenant between God and his Bride, the Church. Each chapter has a Bible verse, a reflection from the book A Father Who Keeps His Promises, a question to encourage further reflection, and a prayer. All of this can be read and accomplished within five minutes or extended into a Holy Hour depending on how the reader uses the information presented, making this book a great option for almost anyone.

Are you interested to know how I did with keeping up with my devotional this year? Well, last year I gave up something for Lent and also completed a devotional but didn’t do as well with the devotional as I would have liked. This year, on the other hand, I didn’t give up something, per se, but decided to read as much as I could from the Vatican II documents as possible during Lent. Trying to read all of that information and also keep up with a devotional was too much, especially when I ended up in the hospital for stress related symptoms and now found out that my dad has cancer. So, I will keep this book on my shelf and read it again next Lent, hopefully sticking with it better than I did this year!
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Lenten Reflections. The Catholic Company is the best resource for all your seasonal needs such as First Communion gifts as well as ideas and gifts for the special papal Year of Faith.

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