Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Book Review and Giveaway!! This Little Light of Mine

I’ve mentioned before that when I became a Catholic in 2006, I had no real religious foundation at all. I was completely new to “religion” in general so when I first became a Catholic mom, I immediately began searching for resources to help me to instill my new-found faith in my children. 

Since then I have found a few good resources but useful sources are still hard to come by. When I started reading This Little Light of Mine: Living the Beatitudes, I knew instantly that this small book was going to be placed on my shelf with my other Catholic parenting books for future reference. As a matter of fact, I am planning to use it this summer with my boys to continue their faith formation while religious ed classes are out.

The title of this book is a little deceiving. This book not only covers the beatitudes but also covers all of the Ten Commandments. Also, you may be thinking this book is only for families with young children but, in fact, this book can be used for families with children of all ages or no children at all! Each chapter covers the specified subject for the adult first, then for children, and then there is a “just live it” section for adults and children to get out and use the information gained in a practical way.

This little book is jam-packed with information and ideas. I love that it is small and only takes a few minutes to complete a chapter, making it perfect for family use since children hate to sit still for too long. The practical ideas at the end of the chapters are perfect for my kinesthetic boys, two of whom have ADHD and learn better by doing.

 I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in simple ways of increasing their faith. Whether you are a mom of several children or a single woman with no children, this book is for you!

You can also win your very own copy of This Little Light of Mine: Living the Beatitudes by leaving your email address or Facebook address below! I will use to choose a name on May 15!


  1. Sounds like a very worthwhile book. Well written review, Alicia

  2. Looks interesting!

  3. would love this!

  4. Very nice! We can always use help being better Catholics!

    1. You are the winner!! Congrats Traci! I will send you an email and get your info so I can get your book in the mail to you!!

  5. My email address: "" after the @ and "pressbin" before.

  6. Oh, this would be a good one to win!

  7. Good luck to everyone on the give away.... homesteadinghansens@Yahoo.Com

  8. Woohoo! Andrealconroy2(at)hotmail(dot)com


Feel free to leave a comment! I read each one and would love to know what you think!

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