
Friday, February 15, 2013

Book Review: Unbreakable

After reading and reviewing Nancy Mehl’s “Bonnet Book” novel, Inescapable in July, I knew I had to get my hands on her second book in the Road to Kingdom series, Unbreakable. I was elated when I was chosen to also review this book!

Hope Kauffman is a loyal Mennonite who runs a quilt shop in the town of Kingdom. The novel begins with Hope engaged to a shy boy named Ebbie Miller. Although Hope likes Ebbie, he doesn’t make her feel the tingles of lust that she feels for another Mennonite boy, Jonathon Weise. This leaves Hope in a quandary- should she continue her engagement with Ebbie or begin a relationship with Jonathon.

In addition to Hope’s love triangle, there is real danger lurking in Kingdom when violence against Christians shows up in the Mennonite town. This begins a debate between the townspeople about whether or not they should use violence in order to protect loved ones. In a roller coaster ride of emotions, Hope and fellow residents of Kingdom must decide where they stand before the violence escalates…

I was intrigued with Nancy Mehl’s way of bringing suspense into a seemingly peaceful setting such as a Mennonite town when I read “Inescapable”. She uses this same talent to spin another tale of romance and suspense with “Unbreakable”. I read this book fairly quickly because it is face paced and unpredictable. 

There are enough turns in the plot to keep it interesting but simple enough to follow the storyline with ease. I highly recommend this book to all lovers of Bonnet Books!

I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for my honest review!

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