
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Faith Adventure starts tomorrow!

I am really excited! The Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure begins tomorrow! I have a few errands to run in the mornning so I am planning to do our first session in the afternoon. The rest of the week I have planned to work on in the morning.
I have the Holy Heroes Activity booklet and CD. I copied the pages from the booklet for the boys to work on and have decided that, if they offer an activity booklet for the Advent and Lenten Adventures, I will buy one for each child. Too much printer ink.... We started listening to the CD in the car and the kids are really enjoying the songs. My personal favorite is "Prayer Song" and the boys love "Be A Saint".
To make it more like "VBS", I prepared file folders for the boys work and I placed all of the copies neatly inside. I also made each of the boys a little "gift bag" from a paper bag and some scrapbook paper. Inside is the "extra" materials for the week, a brand new pack of crayons, and a couple pieces of candy. I have all of our recipe items together in the cupboard and I have all of our craft materials together in the cabinet. I will probably put them on the counter tonight so that they are ready for us when we begin!

Check back tomorrow afternoon to see what we did!

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