
Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Faith Adventure Day 1

If you have not registered yet, go to the Holy Heroes website and sign up!

Today was the first day of a week of fun at-home Vacation Bible School! First we watched the videos about how David was originally chosen to become King. The King, in turn, gives the keys to the kingdom to the "Master of the Palace" who is responsible for making sure that the King's work is carried out. We learned that Jesus gave the "keys to the kingdom" to Peter, the first Pope. We then created Pope Miters for the boys to wear! My 3 year old was distracted early and never made a Miter but the other two boys had a lot of fun creating thiers!

Then we plated a game called "Child of God". The "it" person asks someone "Are you a child of God" and the person must answer "Yes I am a child of God and I want to go to Heaven" without laughing! Here are the results of trying that one!

The last thing we did was make "keys and crowns cookies". I used a premade mix that only required butter and water to make this step a little simpler. If I had only older children, I think that the "made from scratch" version would have been perfect.

I saw this Baptism craft and thought that it would work perfectly along with the Baptism theme for todays SFA. We didn't have time (or energy) for this today but I plan to add it in later this week.
PS my camera is acting silly lately so I had to use my phone to take pictures! That's why they are a little blurry...

Thanks for stopping by! There will be more tomorrow!

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