
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Taking Stock....

Lent has ended and Easter is on the horizon... literally. Tomorrow is Easter morning! I am excited as I anticipate the Risen Christ during tomorrow's Easter Mass. My children will enjoy an egg hunt and the day shall be filled with the Holy Spirit!
As Lent ended on Thursday, I took stock of my Lenten Resolutions and figured out that, although I didn't succeed perfectly, I still made great strides.
My first resolution was to stop gossiping. Needless to say, I didn't skate through this one. I caught myself many times starting to gossip. There were also times that I didn't catch myself. I feel that I have cut down on the times that I am tempted to gossip and that this is something that will continue throughout the year.
My second resolution was to do one intentional religious thing per day. Once again, I slacked on this one some. There was stomach viruses, colds, and fatigue to fight but we did more than we ever have. This is also something that will stick with our family and I think this one is priceless!
Choosing to limit gossip and to add in some religion were some steep expectations. I am so grateful that I chose these resolutions instead of the old "chocolate and caffeine" standby that many people choose. I really had to work on this one and I truly thought about Jesus as I caught my tounge or created a game for my children. The greatest reward of all is that these are things that I am planning to continuing to implement, which in turn, bring me closer to Jesus.

Easter Link Up at Catholic Icing: There will be an Easter Link Up at Catholic Icing on April 7! I am planning to post some stuff to celebrate the 40 days of our Ressurected Lord! Please check back and see all of the ideas I have!

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