
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Selective Mutism Awareness Card

Have you ever heard of Selective Mutism Disorder? More than likely, you have not. It is a rare anxiety disorder that causes the person who has it to become mute in certain settings. It is most commonly noticed when children enter school and are mute.

This is not normal shyness. My son was mute in preschool and kindergarten. He played with other children, he smiled, he participated in activities. He loved school. But he was mute. By mute, I mean he made no noise- no coughing, no crying, no laughing. Noises that we make without thinking are noises that SM sufferers cannot make in anxiety-producing situations.

With a combination of therapy and one year of medication, my son is doing wonderfully. He still has some anxiety but has not been mute for about two years. If you think your child may suffer from this disorder, check out Selective Mutism Network. This is a valuable resource for parents who don't know where to turn. Also, I sent many prayers to St. Dymphna, patron saint of mental illness. Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Okay, now I guess you'd like to see my card, huh?

I bought the adorable digi stamps from Dustin Pike/ Doodle Dragon Studios. I LOVE his Dudley dragon images! He is giving one away free to those who participate in his latest challenge. I can't wait to play with it!

Thanks for stopping by!

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