
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How I Ended Up Catholic

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I've been thinking a lot lately (I know... scary!) and I realized that I have never shared my "testimony" or "conversion story" or "how I ended up Catholic", so I thought I would share it with you today.

When I was born, my parents lived in an old home in a wonderful, Catholic neighborhood in a suburb of Philadelphia. Life in this neighborhood was just like the television shows. I have memories of catching lightning bugs with other kids in the neighborhood, racing bicycles together, and, of course, games of "kick the can". Everyone on our block knew one another and Halloween was the best because you got "oohs" and "ahhs" over your costume at every house you went to. Just the best place to live...

The only thing that I didn't like about living in this three story home filled with love and ghost stories was the fact that I was the only kid on the block who did not go to Catholic school. I remember begging my parents to let me go to Catholic school. My dad, a former student of Catholic schools, was adamant that I was not going to be enrolled in one. Aside from the fact that Catholic schools cost money, I was not Catholic.

At eight years old, we moved to another home in a different neighborhood. I missed my friends so much. The new neighborhood had few kids and none of them went to Catholic school. But that didn't stop me from wanting to be Catholic. One day, I was in the school library and decided to check the shelves for books about religions, specifically Catholicism. I didn't find any, though. I put my search for religion on a back-burner for a while after that.

A few days before my twelfth birthday, my family moved to a small town in Georgia. This town has over 200 Protestant churches and about that many Catholic families. You would think that I would finally give up on my search for Catholicism but I didn't. I would fix my eyes on that little Catholic church on the hill every time we passed in hopes that I would catch a glimpse of whatever was happening inside. One day I even saw the priest standing outside shaking the hands of parishioners. I knew this was where I belonged but just wasn't sure how to get there.

God has a way of calling us to where he wants us. He did that to me, for sure. One Christmas when my son was very young, I was a full-time student in the local technical college, hoping to earn my Associate's Degree and become a Head Start teacher (I did it, by the way!) and I had very little money for gifts, or even a Christmas tree. I had signed up for a free Christmas basket through a local charity. I hadn't heard back from them and there were a few days left until Christmas. I called and was told that I had been sponsored by the Catholic Church and that I can go there to get my items.

Well, usually the Christmas baskets contain sugar, flour, canned goods, and one or two small gifts for the child(ren). The one I received from the church contained a chicken, eggs, all the fixings for a Christmas dinner, an outfit and shoes for my son, toys, and a card. I opened the card and inside was a gift card to Wal-Mart and a note to spend it on myself. I cried. At this point, I knew I wanted to attend this church but I was so shy that I never followed through. The love I felt never left and the longing to be with my God never faded.

A few years later, I was working at Head Start as a primary teacher and was in the need of an assistant teacher. The woman who was hired was smart, fun, caring, and Catholic. I talked with her a little about faith matters and she even invited me to her sons First Communion. I didn't take her up on the invitation but I knew I wanted to go to this Church that had alluded me for so long. A couple summers later, I asked her if I could ride with her to church. She took me that Sunday and I went back every Sunday until I was baptized.

Sometimes we just don't do what God is calling us to do. I didn't. First it was because I was too young to take the step on my own. Later it was because I feared the unknown. Finally God threw me the life preserver of a friend. Now I am raising three little boys and teaching them about this Catholic faith that I had waited so long to become a part of. I also must keep my eyes and heart open so that one day God can use me for the life preserver.

Are you a "convert"? How did you end up Catholic (if you are Catholic)? Are you interested in becoming Catholic or reviving your Catholic faith? Let me know in the comments or e-mail me!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The thing that struck me most about your story is that you never mention the name of Jesus or a desire for a personal relationship with him alone. Or the fact that every Catholic doctrine has violated God's Word.
    I hope you'll take the time to read this:

    1. I just ordered this on Amazon for my Kindle and will probably have a whole blog post about what I learn ;)

  2. Anonymous,
    I would be glad to read "Answers to my Catholic friends" if you would read "Rome Sweet Home" by Scott Hahn. Let me know if you decide to take me up on it.

    I use the words God and Jesus interchangeably since they are one in the same in the Holy Trinity so I am sorry if this confused you. I thought that it was obvious that He was calling me to a personal relationship when I said that "I was longing to be with God".

    Again, I hope that you are willing to read Scott Hahn's book. You will then see that the Catholic Church has been following God's word since the beginning of time.

    1. Sure I'd be happy to read it. Is it available online to read? I also have a question for you. What do you think happens when someone dies? Is there an afterlife?

    2. As a matter of fact, here is the audio version of his conversion story for free:

      Yes, we believe in an afterlife- Heaven. I know that you may have heard of Purgatory and it can be confusing. The theory of Purgatory is that we must be cleansed before we enter Heaven with the perfection of God. I am no theologian but I hope I have explained it well enough.

      You can search or pose questions on the Catholic Answers forums and get better answers here:

  3. Beautiful Story! I am a Cradle Catholic and my husband is a convert. I love hearing his story of his conversion. The one thing he says over and over is that as a Methodist, he never knew what he believed because with each new Pastor, there were different "rules" and "thoughts". He loves that the Catholic Church is universal in their beliefs and so rich in history and Biblical teachings!

    1. Thank you, Joanie. I wholeheartedly agree with your husband that most Protestant religions are ambiguous with their beliefs depending on what someone thinks and are rarely based on truly researched Scripture. I live in a small town in Georgia and I know so many people who are "preachers" and have less knowledge about the Bible than I do! I love that our Religious are educated in theology, too.

  4. Oh, and BTW, another GREAT book, one of my favorites, is My Life on the Rock by Jeff Cavins. Great read!

    1. Oh, yes! I love Jeff Cavins when he is on Catholic Answers. I need to look into that book!

  5. Alicia, your story made me cry. How beautiful to see how God called you to his arms! I am also a Catholic convert. For several generations back, both sides of my family are Protestant and I was raised with a strong love for Jesus but being told that Catholics are Christians but have got some major things wrong. God pulled me to him in an amazing way as an adult. I am so happy to have been raised Protestant first as I can truly appreciate the beauty and wholeness of the Catholic Church and made up for the pain I felt/caused when I told my parents. I love how you recognize that God may use you to lead someone else to the Faith as He did for you. Thank you for sharing your story!

    1. Aww... Smalltown Girl, thank you. I struggle with talking to Protestants about what is different about our Church versus theirs because I don't have any religious background.

      One day some of my co-workers asked me what the difference was and I was stumbling for an answer. I do know that we have the True Presence and that can be found nowhere else. We truly have an intimate relationship with Jesus.

  6. Beautiful story! I found you from Women Living Well; and I am always thrilled to find other Catholics. I am a Cradle Catholic, but have found myself learning so much more over the last few years. I especially love Jeff Cavins' "The Great Adventure: A Journey Through the Bible" It's 24 CDs or DVDs, but is amazing! As you know Jeff (and Scott & Kimberly Hahn) is a convert - former Protestant Pastor - and I love listening to him explain the Catholic faith directly from the Bible. I hear so many non-catholics claim that we aren't Christians or that our beliefs/practices/traditions aren't Biblical; and Jeff knocks every argument out of the park. I wish I could afford to buy all his stuff. I'd love to be able to listen with Bible and notebook in hand. Thanks, again, for sharing your story; and for linking it at Courtney's site. I posted a very personal story there as well - feel free to stop by.

  7. Your story is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing it. I am a very recent convert...confirmed a month ago. I was raised as a Protestant minister's daughter and am grateful for all I learned. I, too, was drawn to the Catholic church at a young age. I didn't follow through for years because it would hinder my father's ministry. It took my husband, a Cradle Catholic, having a stroke and asking me to pray the rosary with him to really capture my heart. The saying "To Jesus through Mary" was certainly true in my case.

  8. This is a beautiful story, Alicia!! My husband and I are both cradle Catholics, but I'm a new convert each day. God's always teaching me more about my faith and leading me closer to Him! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful story! I'm very glad you are with us "in one holy catholic and apostolic Church"!!! God Bless!!


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