
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Book Review: My Big Bottom Blessing

"sticks and stones may break my bones, 
but names will never hurt me..."

Have you ever sung this little rhyme as a child? Me too. Did you really believe that it's true? Me neither.

We all know that names really do hurt. These hurtful words lead to low self esteem and a negative self image. We grow up struggling with our walk with God and these nagging words that were pounded into us as young children.

Many women struggle with poor body image and search far and wide wanting to find out how to build self esteem. They get plastic surgery, they cover themselves with tattoos, they try to be invisible... but none of that works.

Enter Teasi Cannon's book, "My Big Bottom Blessing". Inside this book, I found the words of a woman who, like me, struggled with being unhappy with her self image and feeling helpless to change it. I found some answers written in a way that I can understand. I found that this struggle with self image is not so much a physical problem, but an emotional one.

Throughout this book, Teasi Cannon engages the reader in a way that makes this book a hard one to put down! I read it while waiting in line waiting for my sons to get out of school, I read it before I went to bed, I woke up wanting to dig into this book and learn more about how this woman changed her life through trusting her Heavenly Father to do what he said he would.

My favorite part of this book are the little vignettes of the author and the voices in her head. Many of them sounded very familiar to me! 

This book is packed with some fabulous resources. There are discussion questions at the end of each chapter. They can be used as personal journaling questions or they can be used for group discussions. There is also a prayer at the end of each chapter. I liked her prayers because I felt comfortable reciting them. They felt like my own prayers. Each chapter is also adorned with some Bible verses for final reflection. The verses are written out for you so you can read them straight from the book. This was convenient.

I whole-heartedly recommend this book to Christian women who struggle with self-esteem issues or who find themselves unable to move to a place with God that they feel like they should be. Check out this book- you won't be sorry!

Websites to check out:
My big bottom blessing webpage
FINDING balance website

I was provided this book free of charge by Worthy Publishing in exchange for my honest review

Thanks for stopping by! Alicia


  1. I've read and enjoyed this book as well. Great review of a fabulous book! It’s been said that real change happens when we become aware of the negative self-talk in our heads, and replace it with positive messages. This book takes it a step further, offering an honest look at one woman’s struggles with weight and body image. But rather than just “thinking positive,” she became deeply aware of God’s love for her. Knowing she was God’s beloved made it possible for her to love herself. I know all women, regardless of size, will appreciate Teasi Cannon's honesty!

    1. I agree. When we as women realize that God loves us beyond belief, we can come to terms with anything. God Bless!


Feel free to leave a comment! I read each one and would love to know what you think!