
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Scheduling Link Up

Have you missed me? I sure have missed posting! I am hoping after this post, I will have some time organized in my schedule for my blog! We shall see...

Information about making schedules and budgets are two things that I am always on the lookout for. I am the type of person who researches and researches and never seems to get to the actual “doing” part of the equation. That is going to stop today. When I saw my crafty Catholic homeschooling blogger-friend, Lacy was hosting a Scheduling Link Up Party, I knew I had to get on board and finally create the schedule that I so desperately need to create. I am doing my pre-writing now. I will post the completed schedule soon!

Although I am not a homeschooling mom (just a wannabe), I am a preschool teacher and also a mom who wants to supplement the one hour CCD classes my children attend during the school year. I am hoping to get better organized and have the time and opportunity to do more with and for my family.

Using Lacy’s list of important scheduling factors, I evaluated what I have been doing and what I want to change. Here is what I came up with: (I am being totally honest here!)

1. God.

Are you giving the time you should to God and your relationship with Him?

No :( I have been doing well in getting in the word and reading lots and lots of books (my book reviews!) but I have not been attending Mass like I should. I have actually been working through some things in my heart with my dear Lord and He has been patient. It is time to show Him that I am serious! I am making the commitment here to attend Mass every Sunday (like I am SUPPOSED to!)

Are you finding time to have a personal prayer life, regardless of the chaos motherhood brings into your life?

I have been reading a lot and that has led to some prayer but I would also like to carve out more time for prayer. I would also like to get started on my Rosary Workout book, if possible.

2. Husband.

Am I being the best wife I can be?

No! This is something I think I can always work on.

The kind of wife that God wants me to be? Am I being selfless and kind?


Am I leading my husband to the Lord?

I really need to work on this one! I think going back to #1 (going to Mass every week) will show him what a good Christian looks like. I am praying he will begin to attend with me…. Maybe Jacob’s First Holy Communion?

Do I have time to grow my love for him?


3. Children.

Am I loving them and steering them towards heaven?

Loving them, yes, steering? I would love to say yes but I know I need to add some things into our day that will bring us closer to the Lord as a family!

Are they getting enough 1 on 1 time with me?

Hmmm… not really…. Add it to the schedule!

Am I paying enough attention to them, feeding them nutritionally enough, and giving them everything they need?

I tend to immerse myself in other things. I think a family game time would be great and maybe something each day to reconnect us. I am doing well in the nutrition area and they are growing into wonderful young men so I am doing something right (with God’s help of course!)

4. Everything Else.

Ok, now that I've taken care of the big things, when am I going to shake out those kitchen rugs?

Need days/times for:

Washing clothes
Creating Grocery List
Housework (general)
Organizing my week
Family Game Night
Bible Story
Crafts and Activities
Learning Together
My Blog
My School Work (online classes- College)
Kids Homework

Thanks for stopping by! Alicia

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