
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Family Love

I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus       -Phillipians 1:6

When I saw the linky for "Scripture and a snapshot", I thought it would be really fun to integrate it into my "Women in the Word Wednesday" post. All you have to do is link up a picture with a scripture verse and post! I wanted to use a verse from this weeks Ministry of Mothers Book Club so I chose Fridays verse.

My cousins came down from Maine to visit thier grandparents and spent the day with us today. We had lots of fun and took this snapshot of all the little cousins together. I just thought about the love of our family and the love of God being so similar yet so different. God loves us more than our families ever could.... that's a WHOLE LOT!!

God Bless!
Thanks for stopping by!

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