
Monday, July 11, 2011

Book Review: 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Son

Just from the title, you can imagine why I, a mother of three sons, would be interested in reading this book. This is a parenting advice book with 17 chapters of information about raising godly sons from early childhood to adulthood. There are 5 "Cenversation" topics and background information about why these discussions are important.

When I started reading this book, I was excited to learn more about parenting boys. In the 21st century, unlike in Biblical times, it is almost taboo to have sons. Males are the "lesser" sex these days. The book started off discussing this exact topic! I was a little discouraged, though, when I read a lot of references to other author's books about raising boys. I was afraid that this book would end up a giant quote of other books I could have read instead. As the book goes on, the author picks up momentum and there are less references to other works. I was a little unsure about the chapters regarding the sexual development of boys. She placed a lot of emphasis on the hormones and such, possibly to offer a wake up call to some parents who think thier sons will always think girls have "cooties". I was actually a little scared and teary-eyed when I finished those chapters.... Overall, I think this book would be a good investment for a mother who is interested in a very religious approach to rearing boys.

Thank you to the publisher, B&H Publishing Group, for offering this book to me free of charge through NetGalley!

Thanks for stopping by!

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