
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WIWW: Thank God for Good Morning Girls!

This week, instead of discussing a Bible verse that touched me, I thought I would share with you what the Good Morning Girls ministry has done for me in the four short weeks I have been participating in the book club.
Before I joined the Good Morning Girls book club, I was struggling to read my Bible. I don't come from a religious family so I never learned how to read the Bible, let alone study it. I've read tons of books about the Bible, Christianity, and Catholicism where the author tells of all the benefits of studying the Bible but doesn't tell me how.

One day, I was perusing my blogger feed, looking for interesting posts on the blogs I follow and I saw Jolanthe's post inviting her readers to join her in this book club. I immediately figured out a way to get the book loaded onto my Kindle and was ready to join in. I don't know why I felt called to join other than that God must have wanted me there.

So, I joined the book club and learned the SOAP method. This was my saving grace! Since learning the SOAP method, I understand scripture much better and I look forward to my Bible study time each day. I have enjoyed this book club immensly and can only pray that Good Morning Girls offers them every season from her on out!

Thank God for Good Morning Girls!

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless!


  1. That is AWESOME!!! GMG has been a Godsend for me too.

  2. Alicia - stopping over from GMGs...I agree, it has really impacted me as well. Yes, they do every season...this is my 3rd time around. :) I am glad you are enjoying it!!!


Feel free to leave a comment! I read each one and would love to know what you think!