
Friday, June 3, 2011

MOM Book Club- Week 3 Wrap-Up {and free printable}

Oh, what a week! I have been catching myself with my nose in the five books I am currently reading instead of paying close attention to my children. I do notice that when they call on me, I hear a voice say "drop everything and pay attention" and I ussually do it!

The verses this week have been a little harder for me. There is more "reading between the lines". Being the worry-awart I am, I always worry I'm reading the "wrong thing" into it. Then I remind myself that this is the Bible and God may very well say something unique to me through it. It's okay to be different!

So, you are probably wanting me to get to the wrap up, huh? Well, I wrote earlier this week about John 21:4-14. Now I am going to give you my personal insight into John 14:1.

Week Three

I chose today’s passage: John 14:1
S- Write out the scripture passage for the day

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me"

O- Write down 1-2 observations from the passage

1. Faith= trust even when you don't know what is going to happen

2. "Do not let your hearts be troubled"- why? because it is unnecessary. Faith makes it so your heart need not be troubled.

A-Write down 1-2 applications from the passage

1.  Stop Worrying!!! If you are not a "good mom", your faith in God and Christ will overcome that!

2. Practice faith- Trust in God!

P- Pray over what you learned from today’s passage

Prayers for the week

Monday: Lord, I love you! I love my children. Please help me to love everyone I encounter intensly, even when I don't "feel" like it. Amen

Tuesday: Lord, thank you for all of your blessings. Please continue to bless me as I strive to show your love to my children and the world. Amen.

Wednesday: Dear Lord, I know I don't show you how much I love you nearly enough. Please forgive me. I try to love my neighbors, please help me discern who needs my help... Amen

Thursday: Dear Lord, I hold you in high esteem in my heart. Please help me to show you and the world how I feel about you! Amen

Friday: Lord, I place all of my worries at your feet. I have faith that you will take care of me. Amen.

(I use the New American Bible Translation)


Here are some print outs I made for the Introduction and Part One questions in the Ministry of Motherhood book. Please overlook the watermark but I have been seeing a lot of my blog friends have thier work stolen by people who are supposed to be of Christian faith...

Thanks for stopping by!

I am linked up to the following:
No Ordinary Moments Blog

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful resource for moms! Thank you for the encouraging word! You are not alone in your worries, my friend! I think that struggle comes along with being a mom! But praise the Lord that He has overcome our fears as you said so beautifully, and that our future rests in His mighty/capable hands. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by Happy Home Fairy and for putting my little Summer Button in your sidebar! Awesome! AND I so did not realize that my Happy Buddy's shirt said what it said until you pointed it out! I was laughing so hard! Have a great Sunday!


Feel free to leave a comment! I read each one and would love to know what you think!