
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Book Review: Strike It Rich With Pocket Change

Just from the title of the book, I knew I wanted to read it! "Strike It Rich With Pocket Change" is an informative book chock full of the information necessary to become an amateur coin collector! The book details the distinction between coins we all have in our homes that are valuable and those that are not. Some pennies, for example, are worth $1 each (a 100% increase!) and some are worth thousands of dollars! There is also an extensive list of other resources if the reader is interested in learning more.

This book was much more than I expected. I was worried that it would just be a book detailing stories of ways that the authors "Struck it rich" and there would be no application for those of us who are interested in possibly becoming collectors. That is not so! There is so much information packed into this book that it is well worth the purchase price. More than likely, in time, the reader will earn the purchase price back just from coins that are identified using this guide. I know that my family will be taking up the old past time of coin collecting by simply sorting through our pennies before they hit the penny bucket!

A HUGE Thank you to the publisher and BookSneeze for offering this book to me free of charge!!

Thanks for stopping by!

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