
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mimistry of Motherhood Book Club

This past Monday, I joined a Summer Book Club online at the Good Morning Girls website. It is a Bible Study and book club rolled into one. We will be reading the book, “Ministry of Motherhood” by Sally Clarkson and also doing daily bible studies for the next 12 weeks. I am planning to do a weekly review post about what I have learned each week. I will choose my favorite verse and share my “SOAP” entries with you. I will also share the Bible references and my personal prayers for the entire week. If you are interested in joining in, you can do so at anytime! Just go check out the website!

Week One

I chose Tuesday’s passage: John 15:4-5.

S- Write out the scripture passage for the day

Remain in me as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on it’s own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.

O- Write down 1-2 observations from the passage

1. When branches are taken from the vine, they begin the process of rotting. Even when a branch is wilted and brown, as long as it’s attached to the vine, it still has life within it. But when the branch is detached, there is no hope of life.

2. I cannot do anything without Jesus.

A-Write down 1-2 applications from the passage

1. If we do something without God or against His will, it may look okay for a few days but will start to “rot”. There will be no life in it.

2. Consult God before making descisions to see if it is in line with His will.

P- Pray over what you learned from today’s passage

Lord, please show me the way to stay within your will for me. Continue to give me life so that I may bear much fruit for you! Amen.

Prayers for the week

Monday: Psalm 127:1- Lord, please direct me (with BIG BLACK ARROWS) in the way you wish for me to build my house. Amen.

Tuesday: John 15:4-5- Lord, please show me the way to stay within your will for me. Continue to give me life so that I may bear much fruit for you. Amen.

Wednesday: Matthew 6:33- Lord, please direct me in the righteous ways you taught in the Bible and please, Lord, give me the grace to do your will. Amen.

Thursday: 2 Timothy 1:5- Lord, please show me what I can learn from Christians of past generations. Please, Lord, help me to pass my sincere faith in you on to my children and grandchildren. Amen.

Friday: Proverbs 6:20-22- Lord, please help me show my children the way to holiness. Amen.

(I use the New American Bible Translation)Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Amen!! :) Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us as you are reading through and joining in with us.


  2. This is a great post. Thanks for sharing!


Feel free to leave a comment! I read each one and would love to know what you think!