
Friday, May 27, 2011

MOM Book Club- Week 2 Wrap-up

As I mentioned previously, I am participating in an online book club through Good Morning Girls using the book "Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson. Each day we have a scripture passage that we use the "SOAP" method to meditate upon. Each week I will post a "wrap-up" about what I have learned. I will choose my favorite verse and share my “SOAP” entries with you. I will also share the Bible references and my personal prayers for the entire week. Feel free to check out my previous posts too!

Week Two

I chose Thursday’s passage: Proverbs 14:1

S- Write out the scripture passage for the day

"Wisdom builds her house but Folly tears it down with her own hands"

O- Write down 1-2 observations from the passage

1. what is building? productivity, moving forward to better things

2. what is tearing down? destructive thoughts and actions

A-Write down 1-2 applications from the passage

1. Act with wisdom-
  • think before you speak
  • Make wise choices
  • be productive
  • know the Lord
2. Find ways to bring wisdom, wise choices into daily life. Keep learning to become wiser.

P- Pray over what you learned from today’s passage

Prayers for the week

Monday: Dear Lord, thank you for the gifts of my children. You rewarded me, an unworthy woman with these precious gifts that I must raise to become Saints. Thank you Lord! Amen.

Tuesday: Lord, please help me to make my children into Your disciples. Give me the grace to know how to teach them Your ways. Amen.

Wednesday: Please, Lord, lead me in a way that I may learn everything I can from you, the Ultimate Teacher. Please show me ways to pass my knowledge on to my children. Amen.

Thursday: Dear Lord, please give me the grace to make wise choices and build my home. Help me to avoid being foolish in my decision making. Amen.

Friday: Dear Lord, please help me to speak wisely to my family. Please give me the grace to be patient and think before I speak. Also, Lord, please help me to find ways to turn my idleness into productivity. Help me to build my house with You, Lord. Amen.

(I use the New American Bible Translation)

PS I also made a print out for the "introduction" questions and I am making one for the Part One questions this week. If you are interested, the Introduction Questions are here!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you!!


I am participating in link up @ No Ordinary Moments Blog

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog. My blog was my Mothers Day gift. Isn't this Bible study awesome? Blessings!


Feel free to leave a comment! I read each one and would love to know what you think!