
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Praying the Divine Mercy Novena with kids!

The Divine Mercy Novena starts tomorrow! St. Faustina recieved visions from our Lord asking that we pray and venerate the image he gave to her in the vision. This will be my first year praying the novena and I am quite excited. It is a very simple prayer that I think will be fun to try to do with my children before bed.

The way I am planning to keep my inattentive children interested in praying the chaplet is to play the "Divine Mercy Chaplet for Kids" on EWTN. You can record it on your DVR or buy it from It is really cute and has the entire chaplet.

Instead of personal intentions, the Lord specified whom we are to pray for one each day of the Novena.

Day 1: All mankind, especially sinners
Day 2: Priests and religious
Day 3: Devout and faithful souls
Day 4: Pagans and those who do not know him
Day 5: Separated bretheren
Day 6: Little children
Day 7: Souls sorrowed most over His passion
Day 8: Souls in Pergatory
Day 9: Lukewarm souls

In addition to praying the chaplet, we are asked to perform works of mercy. Here are some ideas for performing works of mercy with your children:
  1. Feed the hungry: donate items to a food pantry; volunteer at a soup kitchen; invite someone to dinner; give a warm meal to a homeless person
  2. Give drink to the thirsty: same as #1
  3. Clothe the naked: Go through clothes and donate items that are too small or not your taste; buy inexpensive clothing to donate
  4. Shelter the homeless: Visit a nursing home, volunteer at a shelter, donate items to a shelter
  5. Comfort the imprisoned: Includes those who are prisoners in thier own homes- handicapped, elderly, shut-ins: Write a card or visit
  6. Visit the sick: visit a hospital or nursing home; send a card or balloons to someone who is ill; call someone who is sick
  7. Bury the Dead: Offer a  Mass in someone's memory; visit the grave of a loved one; do something in memory of a loved one; review pictures and tell stories to children about those who have passed away
There is so much more information about the Chaplet and St Faustina! Head over to the Divine Mercy Sunday USA site and read more! The Divine Mercy Messenger is PACKED with more information!

Have a Blessed Good Friday!

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