
Monday, November 29, 2010

Stations of the Crib

When I get a huge pile of magazines piled up in my room, I often rip out articles of interest and save them for later while recycling the rest of the magazine. As I was contemplting Advent ideas, I remembered that I had saved an article entitled "Stations of the Crib" in Catholic Digest. I went back through my torn out articles and found the one I was searching for! I thought it was a great idea for my boys and I to use this Advent. Even better, I had some ideas I wanted to incorporate into the "Stations of the Crib" Idea!
First I looked in my NAB Catholic Bible for some scripture references and then I decided to give it a go creating some visual "stations" as we do during Lent.

I used popsicle sticks to create grottos to house my coloring page pictures. Using brown paint, I gave them a little color and made them look more like the manger scenes that are so popular.

I saved the coloring pages to my computer and printed them as 3x5 pictures or 6 to a page. I also traced the inside of my grottos onto red cardstock and cut them out.

After the kids colored the stations and we discussed the pictures, i glued them to the red cardstock and then glued that to the backsides of the grottos. Line them up and they are ready to meditate with!

First Station: Mary says "YES"- Luke 1:26-38

Second Station: A Trip to Bethlehem- Luke 2:1-5

Third Station: No Room at the Inn- Luke 2:6-7

Fourth Station: Angels Sing to the Shepherds- Luke 2:8-14

Fifth Station: Shepherds Visit Jesus- Luke 2:15-20

Sixth Station: The Wise Men Find Jesus- Matthew 2:1-12

Thanks for stopping by! Alicia

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