
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mount up With Wings Like Eagles

The Eagle is the American symbol! Did you know that when the mother teaches the eaglets to fly by pushing them out of the nest (that rests atop a tall crag) and allows them to fall all the way down until they think they are doomed. Whoosh, the momma eagle flys under the eaglet and catches it before it falls. This is what the forefathers (and my great grandfather, John Hart) wanted our country to do for it's people!!

I found a beautiful Eagle craft in my July issue of FamilyFun Magazine and knew that I had to incorporate this into our four day Independance Day Celebration! It was presented as a t-shirt idea but we made it into a construction paper craft.

All you have to do is paint one hand brown, press it onto the paper horizontally. Then press it horizontally the other way so that the palms touch. We used the other hand for the white paint. We painted only three middle fingers white and pressed them vertically under the palm prints. Then, we painted our palms white and pressed them vertically to form the head. I would suggest doing something different for the head. I then painted a beak with yellow paint and glued a wiggly eye to the head.

I wanted this to be a Christian craft so I added this great "Eagle" bible verse:

Isaiah 40:31
Yet those who wait for the Lord
will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

I printed it out and glued it to the eagle pictures. I originally wanted to write it onto the eagle but our brown was a little darker than what I thought it would be.

Please check back to see what else we do for our 4 day celebration!

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