
Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day Baskets

I have seen a few May Day Basket ideas online and they all looked so cute. Catholic Icing had some ideas to make May Day Baskets more religious, particularly Catholic. May is the month of Mary so the idea was to make the May Day Baskets into Mary Baskets. Here are the ideas I really loved:
Recycled May Day Baskets- Alpha Mom
Free May Day Basket printable- Skip to my Lou
May Day Basket Ideas- Catholic Icing
Mary Kids Ideas- Catholic Icing

So, I combined the printable from the link from Catholic Icing's Mary Kids Ideas (St. Brigid's Academy) and the recycled May Day Baskets to create these cute baskets for my boys. Throughout the next week, we are going to create Mary Flowers to go inside our baskets. I am going to TRY to teach them the "Hail Mary" prayer too. (wish me luck!)
Here is the creation:
I cut the "Mary's little crowns" part off because that was feminine :) I told the boys that Mary's color is blue and they chose to color thier Mary images blue.

I covered two cans with scrap blue paper. I left most of the bottom open because the Mary image will cover almost all of it. I used pop top cans so that there were no sharp edges.

I used my "Crop A Dile" to cut holes into the sides of the cans. The "Crop A Dile" is marketed for scrapbookers but I suggest that all crafters check them out! They are great for this kind of thing. I then wrapped a pipe cleaner through each hole and added some shreds for decoration.

We added our Mary images to the front and I think they turned out AWESOME! Now we will work on some flowers!

I have a few printables to share this week too! Check back later for more!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you combined the Mary statue with the May basket thing. Great idea!


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