
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reflection: A Call to Holiness

The retreat I attended yesterday was fantastic. Exactly what I needed!! The topic was "A Woman's Call to Holiness". I gathered much information and plan on reviewing it in the next few weeks so that it can all soak in! LOL.

First I would like to tell you about the presenters. They were all women from a Charismatic Christian Commmunity called "Alleluiah". It was started by 12 people who wanted to live a more "God-Centered" life and it has now grown to over 900 people! The members agree to live by certain Biblical principles and treat each other with respect and the love of the Lord.

Every woman is called to be Holy. Not levitating and performing miracles kind of holy. Holy means anyone who is living completely by God's Rules and not his/her own rules. It is a lifelong commitment and is rarely attainable in a lifetime. It is preparation for life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The order in which we become Holy is logical. We are to first give up Mortal Sins. The ones that directly go against the 10 Commandments. Then, we must fight against venial sins. Those little sins that push us away from God and stop us from living out the virtues that He intended for us. Then we must live out those virtues at all times. Never stopping. Never feeling sorry for ourselves. Never getting mad at other people. Never praying selfishly.

We can all work towards holiness. I love the Catholic calendar because we are offered a set time to improve on these things. Advent is a great time to re-evaluate what is keeping us from God. Spring clean your time and decide what mental clutter has accumulated and needs to leave. Lent is a perfect time to revisit new methods of becoming holy. Perhaps you have outgrown your daily devotional that you have been using for 6 years. Maybe you memorized every Psalm and the "newness" has worn off. Maybe you're ready to pray for longer periods of time. Work on these things during the set times in the calendar so that you can remember to do it every year. Doing this can help to prevent spiritual stagnation.

Things to Remember:

Jesus would have died for you if you were the last person on Earth

"Holiness is the living reflection of the face of God" Pope John Paul II

"To pray well, one must live well" St.Augustine


Please leave a comment and tell us some things that help you become "more holy", tips and techniques for praying, etc.


God Bless You!!

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