
About Me

CONTACT ME: craftycatholicmom {at} gmail {dot} com

Who am I?
My name is Alicia and I am the mom of 3 beautiful little boys. I live in the rural south. I love making cards, crafting, and reading. I am  a fairly new Catholic and I love all things related to my faith. I am also a Head Start teacher for 9 months of the year and stay at home mom for 3 months. I am glad you found my blog! I will be sharing a hodge-podge of things that interest me and I hope they interest you too!

What is this about "I"'s??
I am of three nationalities. I am 1/2 Irish (both grandmothers), 1/4 Italian (maternal grandfather), and 1/4 Native American, Iroquois (paternal grandfather). I am a lover of cultures. Not only my own, but all cultures. I love learning about how people celebrate and how they live from day to day.

Why don't you have any negative book reviews?
I guess you've  noticed that I have mainly upbeat and positive book reviews, huh? Well, I believe that every book is a work of art and I appreciate it for what it is. I read and review books from my own perspective but when I don't agree with a book, I will mention it in my review but also highlight the positive parts of the book. There are rarely any books that I read that I do not like.

I review books for the following companies:

I Review For The Tyndale Blog Network  Join the Flock! LitFuse Publicity Group blogger

I'm an official reviewer for

I contribute monthly to the following sites:

I am always looking for new ways to learn and share my faith. If you have an opportunity that you would like to offer to me, please don't hesitate to send me an email!